Third Avenue Roundabout Art Installation: The Founders
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In 2006, the City of Saskatoon sent out a call for expression of interest to design, fabricate and install a public landmark at the intersection of Spadina Crescent and 3rd Avenue to celebrate the meeting in 1882 between Saskatoon’s two founding fathers, Chief Whitecap and John Lake.
A selection jury chose an outstanding submission, The Founders by sculptor Hans Holtkamp which depicted the two leaders overlooking the riverbank and discussing a potential site for the new settlement. The bronze statue is twice life-sized and stands near the meeting place of the two men.
Chief Whitecap and the Dakota people came to Saskatchewan in 1862, eventually settling at Moose Woods, the present location of the Whitecap Dakota First Nation. John Lake, a stock broker and former Methodist minister, with the support of the Temperance Society of Toronto, formed a colonization company and, in the early spring of 1882, he travelled west with an advance party looking for a place to locate their colony.
Chief Whitecap met with and assisted John Lake in determining where best to situate his settlement. From that early meeting of two leaders came the foundation of the communities of Saskatoon, Nutana, and Riversdale – which, 100 years ago, amalgamated to form the great City of Saskatoon.
The landmark project was largely funded by a grant from the Federal Government as part of the City’s designation as a Cultural Capital of Canada in 2006.
The Founders celebrates cultural diversity in Saskatoon and area, for the enjoyment and education of present and future generations.

The official unveiling of The Founders landmark was on June 20, 2008 and was attended by many dignitaries, schoolchildren, and members of the public.
As part of the unveiling ceremony Mayor Donald Atchison and Whitecap Dakota First Nation Chief Darcy Bear spoke glowingly about the strong relationship between the two communities.
Last updated July 14, 2008