Construction Update 2012 - 2013
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Construction work involves landscaping the area around the lift station on the eastern edge (between the Pumphouse and the Senator Sid Buckwold Bridge); accessible pathway and service route to the Pumphouse; associated site furnishings and lighting; decommissioning of the soil holding cells on Parcel DD; safety fence/crusher dust along the 1st Avenue on-ramp; and the activity area on the western edge of the site.
The riverfront on Phase II stretches from the Senator Sid Buckwold Bridge to the western edge of Victoria Park and creates a connection along the river, establishes a focal point for riverbank activities, and integrates an identity complementary to Phase I. The innovative design features various components such as a new pedestrian pathway and bridge , entry points, a boat dock, activity areas, and river viewing areas.
Last updated November 23, 2012